* Falling Three Methods: Falling Three Methods Candlestick example image from StockCharts.com A bearish continuation pattern. A long black body is followed by three small body days, each fully contained within the range of the high and low of the first day. The fifth day closes at a new low.

* Gravestone Doji: Gravestone Doji Candlestick example image from StockCharts.com A doji line that develops when the Doji is at, or very near, the low of the day.

* Hammer: Hammer Candlestick example image from StockCharts.com Hammer candlesticks form when a security moves significantly lower after the open, but rallies to close well above the intraday low. The resulting candlestick looks like a square lollipop with a long stick. If this candlestick forms during an advance, then it is called a Hanging Man.

* Hanging Man: Hanging Man Candlestick example image from StockCharts.com Hanging Man candlesticks form when a security moves significantly lower after the open, but rallies to close well above the intraday low. The resulting candlestick looks like a square lollipop with a long stick. If this candlestick forms during a decline, then it is called a Hammer.

* Harami: Harami Candlestick example image from StockCharts.com A two day pattern that has a small body day completely contained within the range of the previous body, and is the opposite color.

* Harami Cross: Harami Cross Candlestick example image from StockCharts.com A two day pattern similar to the Harami. The difference is that the last day is a Doji.

* Inverted Hammer: Inverted Hammer Candlestick example image from StockCharts.com A one day bullish reversal pattern. In a downtrend, the open is lower, then it trades higher, but closes near its open, therefore looking like an inverted lollipop.

* Long Day: Long Day Candlestick example image from StockCharts.com A long day represents a large price move from open to close, where the length of the candle body is long.


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